Zemach Shabad

Zemach Shabad (Polish: Cemach Szabad, Russian: Цемах Шабад, Tsemakh Shabad) (February 5, 1864, Vilnius, Russian Empire (now Lithuania) — January 20, 1935, Vilnius) was a Jewish doctor and social and political activist.[1] He was a member of the Senate (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic (1928) and a co-founder and vice-president of the YIVO (Institute for Jewish Research).

He was one of the originators of the volkist movement, which eventually turned into the Folkspartei (Jewish People's Party).

In 2007, Zemach Shabad was honored with a monument in Vilnius, reflecting the fact[1] that he was the prototype of Doctor Aybolit, a good doctor from a poem for children by Korney Chukovsky.

